A smart hotel operation platform for optimize task and guest experience management

UX/UI Redesign Case study

Redesigning Dtelo' mobile platform

In 2022, I took the lead in redesigning Dtelo' mobile platform.

The first phase of the new design was implemented in 2023, and it sparked a shift towards a new approach to the overall design and user experience of our product across our costumers.

About the app

Running a hotel is a time-consuming and complex task. Now-days, hotels need to manage different tasks and diverse staff in multiple locations suffering from operation overload.

Dtelo app was born as an idea from two hotel managers who saw the need for a smart hotel operation platform for optimized task and guest experience management.

The problems with an outdated design

At the beginning of its journey and without funding and budget for hiring employees, the company turned to a software house with an idea and a request for product development. Without proficient individuals who are connected to the product and to the company's ambitions and without in-depth thinking about the way the company wants to provide the answer to its customers, the result was cumbersome and did not serve it purpose.

The main issues with the old design were:

1. The design was cluttered, anemic and confusing.

2. Adding a new task was a long process that burdened the user instead of making it easier.

3. It wasn't possible to have conversations and upload updates or problems regarding the sent tasks.

User Research & Personas

At the beginning of my Dtelo journey, I was part of the implementation of the platform for our new hotel's customers, I met the user and explained to them about the use of the app and a few weeks later I returned to get their opinions and to hear about their experience of using it. For most, the responses weren't that good.

In most hotels in the world, the work process is carried out through phone calls or text correspondence. When asking users about the old system, it often came up that the unfriendly system "makes life difficult for them" and that they "missing working with WhatsApp".

When starting the redesign process, I conducted a deeply interviews with three different types of hotel personas among our customers:

The main conclusions I drew from the interviews about the problems with the old design were:

1. Difficulty navigating & adjusting the desired display.

2. Unnecessary information overload.

3. Confusion around where each task is located.

4. Problematic user experience in the process of adding a new task.

The New Design Concept

From conducting user research, I based my concept of the redesign on that insights:

1. Shorten the process of adding a new. task.

2. Simplify user orientation in the interface.

3. Clean unnecessary information.

I have created a low-fidelity prototype that enables users to add quick tasks via a typing line, as well as streamline the process for creating more detailed tasks. Additionally, I have implemented a main filter button at the top of the screen to alter the task orientation, and redesigned the task ticket to enhance its clarity, intuitiveness, and comprehensibility.

Validating the design with our users

In order to unsure the new design is ready to go, I conducted further testing on some of our users. My main question was, is the 'basic' version of the new design easier to use then the old one?

The testing involved having participants complete tasks using a high-fidelity prototype. The results were positive, with participants finding the design easy to get used to, and more intuitive than our 'old' design overall.

UI Design

My primary focus in the UI design was to prioritize a user-friendly experience that promotes comfort and ease of use. I put a lot of thought into how I could make the design feel 'native' to our product's overall look and feel. Moreover, I placed particular emphasis on utilizing the company's signature color - Turquoise - extensively in the concept to enhance the product's distinctiveness.

Main Screen

To tackle the issue of overload information, I redesigned the task ticket on the main screen into a more abstract form that includes all the essential information. Furthermore, I added a main filter button to make navigation simpler and enable users to access their desired view effortlessly. These design changes aim to enhance user experience by reducing visual clutter and cognitive load, resulting in a more user-friendly application.

Add a 'Quick Task'

I aimed to resolve the challenge of a lengthy task addition process by implementing the typing line feature in the bottom menu bar. This design change provides a fast and efficient solution, enabling users to submit quick tasks without the need for extensive information. By simplifying the task addition process, this feature streamlines workflow management, allowing employees to optimize their time and focus on essential tasks.

Add a Full Options Task

To facilitate the addition of new tasks that require detailed information, I streamlined the process of adding detailed tasks by introducing a single-screen feature, rather than the previous three-step process, that enables users to enter all required information and confirm it in one step. This design change significantly reduces the time spent on task addition and improves overall productivity and workflow management.

Ticket Channel

One of the primary issues with the previous design was the inability to facilitate discussions and provide updates or reports concerning the submitted tasks. Following the implementation of the new design, the Ticket Channel feature was the first project that I fully developed, from conception to completion. This feature provides users with the ability to engage in real-time conversations related to a task, as well as upload field updates and problem reports.

Next Project

A personal management app for increasing productivity and performance.

Mobile App
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